Ma-Me-O Music Ltd. Artists Page

 The CDs you see here were all recorded in full or in part here at Ma-Me-O Music. If you are interested in buying any of the albums you see here, just send me a check for $20 Canadian each, tell me which one(s) you want, and I'll mail you out a copy. Payment includes GST and shipping anywhere in North America! Thank you for supporting our hard working and talented artists! 



Bobby Cairns - "Indelible"
Great guitar jazz in a trio setting

Craig Young - "It's Just Me"

Terry Clark's talented guitarist on his own

Frank Mills Band - "Live"

All his greatest hits!

Florence Foxwell - "Open Windows"

relaxing, easy going folk music

Florence Foxwell - "Outside the Box"

her second effort. Very nice!

Judy Armstrong - "Time to Shine"

Uplifting feel good songs!


Miles Jackson - 
"Moods of Ma-Me-O"

instrumental music from the Beach!

Rollanda Lee - "New Orleans Swings"

Cool Dixieland Jazz from Edmonton's own Dixie Diva!

Room to Dance - 

"Country in the City"

modern country from a great duo!

Screwtape Lewis - "Art Rock Show"

innovative intelligent rock.

The Rob Roy Band - "Souvenir"

easy listening favourites from a simpler time... pre 9/11 in Banff

Wayne Hill - "From the Heart"

..touching songs about faith, love and stray dogs!

Doug Jones - "Special Lady"includes the European #1 country hit, "That Feeling"
A tribute to the Canadian soldier. Old war songs redone, and some great modern tribute songs. 
Carlene Friesen's latest release, "Country Recollections" featuring classic country and gospel songs.



Your Project could be featured right here!

Traditional bugle calls, Remeberance Day service, Oh Canada
TSoothing Alphorn music from the Canadian Rockies

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Doin' it right on the beach!